Thursday, September 5, 2013

Farm Photos


Our 40 panelled solar system powers our annualized geosolar greenhouse to be fully off grid backed up by a methane generator. Our Rooftop Gardens are fed with an automated drip line irrigation system which draws from our catchment water system with a solar pump. Our solar hot water collector provides hot water for our rooftop hot top and domestic water needs.

we have 20 raised and insulated garden beds which operate year round. The Beds are raised 30" high, feature a single layer poly exterior with a double thickness of remay row covers to support productivity right through the winter season.

Many wildflower and berry bushes abound in the chuckleberry landscape.

Chuckleberry Commmunity supports itself through the operation of an Organic Shoots business. This business is the primary supplier to the restaurants in nelson BC. 

The sprout harvest is a community event that takes place on monday and friday mornings and is concluded with a celebratory raw cacao and berry crepe breakfast. 

Jerusalem artichokes nourished by our automated drip irrigation system.

Weve engineered the soil in our beds to be fertile enough to support both spring and fall planting cycles.

Chuckleberry is Nestled in the heart of the selkirk mountains 7 miles west of nelson BC.

Chuckleberry grows a thousand pounds of winter squash each year!

Onions and Garlic growing in the rooftop garden of the chuckleberry annualized geosolar community center. Chuckleberry participates in farmers markets and garlic festivals each year.

Give PEAS a chance!!!!!

40 solar panels coupled with our annualized geo solar heating system support the chuckleberry community center to be a zero net energy green building fully provided for by the suns energy.

our solar hot water heater powers all of our domestic hot water needs as well as our solar hot tub.

How to contact us:  Jon Scott    250-359-6669 

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